At Hill Farm Primary School, we aim to ignite children’s curiosity for technology and equip them with the computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world. Children will understand how to use ever-changing technology to express themselves, as tools for learning and as a means to drive their generation into the future.
As a school, we aim to provide our children with a high level of computing skills, encourage the use of these skills creatively and prepare the children for an ever-changing technological world. We recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced computing education with a progressive and structured approach to learning about computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety. Tablets and a range of other devices are used to store, acquire, manipulate, organise, interpret, communicate and present information.

The computing substantive knowledge children will learn is mapped through the Purple Mash scheme of work to ensure children build on prior knowledge and create schemas that are linked via knowledge concepts. Key vocabulary is identified for each lesson and shared with children through knowledge organisers. This knowledge is cemented in children’s long-term memory through retrieval practice with reference made to learning completed in previous year groups. Children will develop knowledge about computer science, digital literacy and information technology throughout their time at Hill Farm.
Computer Science – The study of computers as machines and how they operate including programming, algorithms, variables, sequence, selection and repetition.
Digital Literacy – The skills you need to live, learn, and work in a society where communication and access to information is increasingly through digital technologies like internet platforms, social media, and mobile devices. This includes being knowledgeable and responsible users of technology, using the internet and other platforms safely and respectfully.
Information Technology – The ability to create, retrieve, combine and manipulate digital content. The understanding of computer networks, the world-wide web and the internet and how they operate.
Our curriculum aims to unpack the meaning of concepts by putting them into different contexts, using simpler, more concreate examples and metaphors. This knowledge is then repacked and linked back to the original abstract meaning. Our curriculum recognises the importance of using unplugged activities which expose children to the idea of computer science without using computers. For example: creating a set of instructions for a robot to create a sandwich which are then carried out by the teacher.
Our computing lessons are evidenced through Purple Mash.
The impact of our computing curriculum is measured through continual assessments throughout each lesson against our computing progression documents and retrieval practice. We aim to focus our assessment on the building blocks of knowledge and questions which target misconceptions.
All teaching at Hill Farm is planned around our six principles of learning and teaching, which ensure every lesson is GREAT! Pupils experience engaging and purposeful experiences that promote learning and where the needs of every child is met through effective adaptive teaching strategies. As a Voice 21 school, our curriculum has a strong oracy focus which provides pupils with regular opportunities to learn to talk and to learn through talk. High expectations of oracy and vocabulary are embedded throughout our computing curriculum.