The Reading Framework (2021) highlights that children who read regularly for pleasure tend to have better outcomes across all areas of learning. It broadens their understanding of the world, stimulates imagination, and improves concentration and critical thinking skills. Moreover, it provides opportunities for children to develop empathy and cultural awareness as they encounter diverse characters, settings, and experiences in books. When children read for enjoyment, they are more likely to engage deeply with texts, which helps to strengthen their vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency.
Encouraging reading for pleasure also helps to build children’s motivation and confidence as readers. The Reading Framework (2021) emphasises the importance of creating a rich reading environment where children are exposed to a wide variety of texts that spark their interest. This might include stories, non-fiction, poetry, and comics, ensuring that every child can find something they enjoy. By making reading an enjoyable experience, children are more likely to choose books independently, practice their reading skills more frequently, and become confident, lifelong readers.
Reading for Pleasure Books
All children take home a reading for pleasure book each week that they can choose from their class libraries. This book can be any book the child chooses and be shared with parents/carers to enjoy together.
In KS1, pupils have an opportunity to take home a book bag which contains a selection of exciting and engaging books. Children can enjoy these books with their family and then share their experiences in a class diary.
Reading for Pleasure Spine
Our school’s Reading for Pleasure Spine helps guide teachers in selecting and sharing high-quality texts from a wide range of authors. Pupils have the opportunity to choose the text they would like to explore, and these are then shared during dedicated reading-for-pleasure sessions throughout the week.
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