
At Hill Farm, our intent is to ignite creativity in every young writer. All pupils are taught the importance of purpose and audience while developing their composition and transcription skills. This empowers students to think like writers and to create engaging narratives that capture their readers’ interest.

Our writing curriculum is completely bespoke and is comprised of units of work inspired by a wealth of children’s literature. Cross-curricular links are made wherever meaningful and special events, such as Black History Month, are reflected in core text choices.

Lessons are focused on the different elements of what makes an effective writer: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, composition, handwriting and spelling. These skills are progressively mapped across year groups and are sequenced in small steps to ensure the transfer of knowledge and understanding into pupils’ long term memory.

In addition to this, children learn about the four key purposes of writing: to inform, to entertain, to persuade and to express feelings. This helps them consider both their audience and the purpose of their writing. Whenever possible, we provide opportunities for students to write for a real-life audience and purpose, ensuring that their writing feels meaningful and engaging.

Pupils have regular opportunities to edit, improve, re-draft and publish their work so that the can learn from their mistakes and continue to improve.

Writing In Action
Home Learning