Modern Foreign Languages

Spanish Curriculum
Home Learning

At Hill Farm, we aim to ignite curiosity, develop self-efficacy and promote diversity and tolerance of different cultures through a broad and ambitious Modern Foreign Languages curriculum, which is rich in skills and knowledge and secures these in pupils’ long-term memory.

Learning a foreign language is a key skill for everyday life which provides an opening to other cultures. At Hill Farm Primary School, we recognise the importance of providing pupils with a level of curiosity which will deepen their understanding of the wider world around them and the differences inherent in it. We recognise that pupils are entitled to a broad and balanced language education with a progressive and structured approach to learning about languages and other cultures throughout the world with a particular focus on Spanish.

Throughout the Primary Languages Network scheme of work, there are opportunities to introduce and practise appropriate target language vocabulary, to identify and use nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, and conjunctions in the target language, to explore and build a secure understanding of the target language phonics, and to find out more about the culture of the target language countries. Through our Spanish curriculum, we support children in learning to listen, speak, read and write. In addition, there is access to native speaker pronunciation in every lesson and progression in vocabulary acquisition, grammar, and phonics, is planned for and built in across the 4 stages. Within the body of the lessons there are planned for /suggested opportunities to sing, play games, perform, develop extended writing (Rainbow Writing), keep a record, and make links across the curriculum.

All teaching at Hill Farm is planned around our six principles of learning and teaching, which ensure every lesson is GREAT!  Pupils experience engaging and purposeful experiences that promote learning and where the needs of every child is met through effective adaptive teaching strategies.  As a Voice 21 school, our curriculum has a strong oracy focus which provides pupils with regular opportunities to learn to talk and to learn through talk. High expectations of oracy and vocabulary are embedded throughout our Spanish curriculum.

The impact of our Spanish curriculum is measured through continual assessments throughout each lesson against our Spanish progression documents and retrieval practice.