The school gates are open at 8:20am however school staff will not be available to supervise children until 8:30am. The doors open at 8:30am and close at 8:50am. Any children arriving after this time will need to go to the main office.
School ends at 3:20pm and all children should be collected at that time by a responsible adult who is known to the class teacher. If it is necessary for your child to leave school before the end of the day to attend an appointment, please complete a form which is available from the school office, stating the time at which the child will be collected. No child will be allowed to leave the site unless collected by his or her parents, or another adult who is known by the school to have permission from the parent to collect their child. All children must be signed out at the school office.
Children attend school for 6 hours and 30 minutes each day which equates to 32 hours and 30 minutes per week.

Make Every Day Count
At Hill Farm Primary School, we have high expectations for the attendance of the children on roll. This is because we recognise that all absence is potentially detrimental to a child’s education and experience of primary school. At Hill Farm, good attendance is 96% and above.
Missing school can damage children’s achievements, they will miss out on the opportunities provided by school, which in return may impact on their chances in life.
In order for children to gain maximum benefit from their time at school and to maximise their future life opportunities, it is imperative that the children attend every day and on time.
The school asks parents to support these high expectations by:
- To encourage their child to attend school every day, on time unless prevented from doing so by illness or attendance at a medical appointment.
- To contact the school on the first day of absence.
- Where medical absences persist beyond day 1 of illness, keep in regular contact with the school.
- To arrange medical appointments outside school hours. If unavoidable, informing the school in advance of medical appointments in school time. Please complete Request for Leave Form for Medical Appointments. For the absence to be recorded as a medical absence we do require evidence from the doctor or dentist. (Appointment card/letter). Your child should miss the minimum amount of school time necessary. If your child is well enough to go back to school following the appointment they should do so.
- Being aware that Head Teachers by law may not grant leave of absence requests unless the reasons for your request are exceptional. Should you have an exceptional circumstance, you should complete an application form available on request. Applications should be made well in advance of any proposed leave of absence. Any unauthorised leave may result in a Penalty Fixed Notice Fine.
Leave of Absence Request Forms