Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Katie Roper. She can be contacted by ringing the school on 024 7659 5455 or emailing

SEND Newsletters

Autumn Term 2024

Summer Term 2024

Spring Term 2024

SEND Information

The school recently had a whole school SEND review conducted by Prof. Adam Boddison OBE, former Chief Executive for nasen in March 2023. Strengths:

  • Hill Farm has an inclusive ethos, which is clearly evident across all areas of the school’s provision. Of particular note is the school’s commitment to build its capacity for specialist provision so it can meet all needs all of the time whilst also ensuring that pupils remain actively engaged with their peers and the wider life of the school.  
  • The commissioning of this SEND review by the Trust and the school illustrates a firm commitment to ensuring high quality support and provision for pupils with SEND.  
  • There is strategic buy-in for inclusion from all leaders ensuring that SEND provision is prioritised and built in to practical delivery, rather than being a bolt on. 

Pupils with SEND are actively included in a wide range of school community activities. Many were excited to share their roles, which included reading mentors, wellbeing mentors, values ambassadors and members of the green team.

SEND Review March 2023- Prof. Adam Boddison OBE, former Chief Executive for nasen

Hill Farm has an inclusive ethos, which is clearly evident across all areas of the school’s provision. Of particular note is the school’s commitment  

to build its capacity for specialist provision so it can meet all needs all of the time whilst also ensuring that pupils remain actively engaged with their peers and the wider life of the school.

SEND Review March 2023 Prof. Adam Boddison OBE, former Chief Executive for nasen

Teaching assistants add significant value to the overall quality of teaching and learning through effective interventions. The impact is maximised by teaching assistants specialising in particular interventions.

SEND Review March 2023- Prof. Adam Boddison OBE, former Chief Executive for nasen

Our aim for children with SEND

Our aim for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are the same as for all of our children; to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and the highest quality of education. We have high ambitions for our SEND children and set targets that stretch them.  We are a very inclusive school and we will support children to ensure their integration and curriculum entitlement.

What are Special Educational Needs and disabilities?

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. They can affect their behaviour or ability to socialise. They may also affect their physical ability.  Hill Farm Primary School is a mainstream school which provides for children and young people with a wide range of special educational needs.  We support the broad areas of special educational needs

a child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability’ that calls for ‘provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for   other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools.’

SEND Code of Practice January 2015

How do we involve parents, carers and families?

We are a friendly and approachable school. We actively encourage partnerships with parents and carers through our ‘Time to Talk’ opportunities with the SENCO, parent/carer forums for SEND issues, termly parents evenings, SEND workshops,  using home/school diaries and scheduled telephone calls. Our aim is to involve and inform parents in school decision making, providing them with support, advice and access to services.

We listen to our children and work closely with them to be active participants in their learning. We actively encourage them to evaluate themselves as learners, make choices and express opinions. We want them to be able to identify their strengths and areas to develop.  All children with special education needs have an individual learning plan. These plans are shared each term with parents and carers and include personal targets to support your child in school.

What support do we offer?

If more support is required, help and advice from external professionals is used. We always discuss the involvement of specialist SEND services with parents and carers first.

We have access to a range of specialist support services including:

· Educational Psychologist

· Pepper Therapy – Speech and Language therapists.

· NHS Speech and Language

· CCT – Complex Communication Team

· Social Emotional Mental Health Learning Team (SEMHL)


· Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

· SEND Early Years Coventry SEN Support Service

· Primary Mental Health team

· School Nursing Service.

We offer weekly ‘Time to Talk’ parent/carer appointments. It is an opportunity to talk about any questions or concerns you might have or to discuss progress, additional needs or SEN support for your child. Appointments are available every Wednesday and can be made via the office. ‘Time to Talk’ appointments are available at 8:30am or 8:50am.

Send Support

SEND Emotional Regulation Support Documents

SEND Covid Social Stories Support Documents