Wraparound Provision

Our wraparound clubs provide high quality care for children from 5 – 11 years.  There are a range of activities on offer which vary daily, including arts and crafts, board games and homework catch up.

During term time, wraparound provision is open from:

Breakfast Club

7:45am – 8:30am            £2.50 per session

Breakfast Club is located in the KS1 Hall and entry is at the corner of Foster Road and Beake Avenue. 

Hill Farm staff members are:

Mrs Sandhu and Mrs Mahers

The children are offered breakfast which includes toast, cereals and fruit.

Afterschool Club

3:20pm – 5:00pm            £5.00 per session

Children are collected from class at the end of the day and escorted to the library where the afterschool club is located.

Collection is from the main school entrance at 5 pm.

Hill Farm staff members are:

Mrs Nicolds and Mrs Szustakiewicz

The children are offered a healthy snack and fruit.

For further information, or if you would like to book a space in either breakfast or afterschool club, please contact the school office to arrange Arbor access.  Telephone: 02476 595455