PE days are Monday and Thursday in 2JD and Wednesday and Friday in 2HD.
Year-2Our English Learning
In English, we read a range of texts throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 text is Journey. In Autumn 2, we read The Troll. In Spring 1, we enjoy reading Maximus and The Beanstalk and in Spring 2 we read George’s Marvellous Medicine. In the Summer term, we read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch and Grandad’s Island.
Our History and Geography (Theme) Learning
In history and geography, we learn about a range of topics throughout the year. Our Autumn term topic is linked to the United Kingdom. In Spring 1, we study the Great Fire of London and Roald Dahl. In the Summer term, we learn about different countries as part of our topic ‘Where’s Wally Wandering?’
Our Maths Learning
In Maths, we use a range of different representations to present our learning.
At Hill Farm, we recognise the importance of completing learning at home.
Year-2-Homework-Front-CoverOur School Trips
Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Selly Manor to learn more about the Great Fire of London.