Year 3

PE days are Wednesday and Thursday in 3EF, Tuesday and Thursday in 3JB and Tuesday and Wednesday in 3MG.


Our English Learning

In English, we read a range of texts throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 text is The Firework Maker’s Daughter. In Autumn 2, we read Stig of the Dump. In Spring 1, we enjoy reading Myths and Legends and in Spring 2 we read Who Let The God’s Out? In the Summer term, we read Escape from Pompeii and Iron Man.

Our History and Geography (Theme) Learning

In history and geography, we learn about a range of topics throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 topic is linked to Coventry. In Autumn 2, we enjoy learning about the Stone Age period. In the Spring term, we study the Greeks and in the Summer term, we learn about the Romans.

Our Maths Learning

In Maths, we use a range of different representations to present our learning.


At Hill Farm, we recognise the importance of completing learning at home.


Our School Trips

Autumn Term: Year 3 enjoyed their trip to Ryton Pools Country Park to learn all about the Stone Age.

Spring Term: Year 3 enjoyed meeting their visitor from Ancient Greece!

Summer Term: Year 3 experienced a sculpture workshop at the Herbert Art Gallery! We were also given the opportunity to explore the Transport Museum.