Year 5

PE days are Wednesday and Friday in 5DL and Thursday and Friday in 5MB.


Our English Learning

In English, we read a range of texts throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 text is Friend or Foe. In Autumn 2, we read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. In Spring 1, we enjoy reading Beowulf and in Spring 2 we read Secrets of a Sun King. In the Summer term, we read The Jamie Drake Equation and Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Our History and Geography (Theme) Learning

In history and geography, we learn about a range of topics throughout the year. Our Autumn term topic is linked to World War 2. In Spring 1, we study diseases from the past and in Spring 2, we learn about Ancient Egypt. During the Summer term, we learn about the Cold War and Space.

Our Maths Learning

In Maths, we use a range of different representations to present our learning.


Our School Trips

Year 5 enjoyed their trip to Beaumanor Hall to learn all about World War 2.