Year 6

PE days are Monday and Tuesday in 6PR and Monday and Tuesday in 6JS.

Our English Learning

In English, we read a range of texts throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 text is Holes. In Autumn 2, we read Floodland. In Spring 1, we enjoy reading Macbeth and in Spring 2 we read Wolf Brother. In the Summer term, we read Journey to the River Sea and Wonder.

Our History and Geography (Theme) Learning

In history and geography, we learn about a range of topics throughout the year. Our Autumn term topic is titled Earth: Fractured or Flourished? In the Spring term, we enjoy learning about changes in crime and punishment. In the Summer term, we learn about Mayan civilisation.

Our Maths Learning

In Maths, we use a range of different representations to present our learning.
