KS2 Reading

In Key Stage 2, children are secure in decoding so we continue to focus on developing fluency and comprehension. To achieve this, all children have a daily whole class reading lesson where all pupils read a text that has been progressively mapped across the school. These texts expose our pupils to a wide range of high-quality texts and authors, incorporating a mix of classic novels and contemporary stories. Where possible, we ensure that these texts mirror of the diversity of our school, providing opportunities for all our pupils to relate with characters in books, but also to offer windows that expose our pupils to other cultures and experiences.

Developing Fluency

As a school, our approach to developing fluency helps pupils to improve accuracy, automaticity and prosody.

To achieve this, we use the following strategies throughout the school, applying them not only in reading lessons but across all subjects in the curriculum.


Developing Comprehension

To develop comprehension, each reading lesson focuses on one of our key reading skills:

Pupils are specifically taught these skills through skilled teacher modelling, explanations and questioning. Pupils then practise these skills through activities linked to their class text.

Additionally, children are introduced to a new short text each week, which includes a mix of fiction and non-fiction. This variety ensures that pupils are regularly exposed to different writing styles and vocabulary. During these lessons, pupils respond to comprehension questions that focus on a range of reading skills. This provides them with regular opportunities to practice and apply their fluency and comprehension skills, particularly when engaging with unfamiliar texts.

Getting Unstuck

Children are taught a range of strategies to support them if they become stuck with their reading.
