Protective Behaviours

Feeling Good, Feeling Safe – Hill Farm Protective Behaviour Lessons

At Hill Farm we work hard to do our best to protect your child’s health, well-being and safety. As part of our PSHE Programme we are going to be introducing a personal safety programme called ‘Feeling Good, Feeling Safe’ into our school curriculum. The programme will be taught every year in Autumn 2 half-term. 

This programme teaches children how to recognise when they are not feeling safe and provides skills and tools to help them to take action and get help when they need it.  

‘Feeling Good, Feeling Safe’ last for four weeks and has two themes- 

  • We all have the right to feel safe all the time 
  • We can talk with someone about anything, even if it feels awful or small 

The sessions included learning about; 

– Understanding what helps us to feel safe and what that feels like 

– Exploring times when it is fun to feel scared 

– Trusting their own ‘early warning signs’ (body signals that tell us when we are not feeling safe) 

– How to manage risky situations 

– Who they can talk to if they are feeling worried or unsafe 

– Practice problem-solving skills. 

We feel is it is important that we work together on this programme and we ask for your support in listening to your children as they talk about the programme. Please find below an information booklet for parents/carers, this is a guide to help you talk about the programme with your child.

Whole School FGFS Booklet