PE days are Wednesday and Thursday in 4DJ and Tuesday and Thursday in 4AW.
Year-4Our English Learning
In English, we read a range of texts throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 text is Oliver Twist. In Autumn 2, we read The Secret Diary of Jane Pinny. In Spring 1, we enjoy reading Riddle of the Runes and in Spring 2 we read The Saga of Erik The Viking. In the Summer term, we read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Our History and Geography (Theme) Learning
In history and geography, we learn about a range of topics throughout the year. Our Autumn 1 topic is linked to the Victorians. In the Spring term, we study the Vikings and in the Summer term, we learn about Europe.
Our Maths Learning
In Maths, we use a range of different representations to present our learning.
Year-4-Homework-Front-Cover-1Our School Trips
Year 4 enjoyed their trip to The Black Country Museum to learn all about the Victorians.